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Mobile Phones..Are You Ignoring Them In Your Business?

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If you look around you’ll notice that almost everyone has a mobile phone. I even heard that the number of people with cell phones far outweighs the number of households with a home computer! Okay, that may or may not be true but if you really think about it, it’s not that much of a stretch.  Communication is important to us and I’m sure if you had to choose between cable T.V. and giving up your mobile phone…I think cable doesn’t have a chance.

Knowing this plus the fact that cell phones are becoming more and more advanced, one would thnk that businesses would take the initiative and at least design their websites to be mobile compliant (If a business doesn’t have a website, then that’s a whole other article discussion, haha) however there was a study done on that showed the Top 20 most trafficked sites were not working well on the leading mobile phones.

The proper way to do this is to have your website done correctly and using strict XHTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If this sounds like mumbo jumbo to you then have your website designer look it over or next time you build your site make sure this is one of your requirements. Doing this at least makes your website mobile phone friendly . For those of you who already have a website up fortunately there is a tool offered by that allows you to create a meta.txt file that can direct visitors to the proper version of your site that you have prepared for mobile devices. Thanks for the tip.

Now why would one go through all this trouble? The writing is on the wall and the newest developments are happening in the mobile arena. Businesses that capitalize on this will clearly have the advantage. Check out Mike Elgan’s post, "Where’s My Digg Phone?" to get an idea where the more technically savvy among us are thinking….you have been warned 🙂

life history of mobile phones mobile phone apps mobile phones

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  1. xzubi | Feb 26, 2011 | Reply

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